My friend lies broken in a hospital bed across oceans and continents set adrift by her loss. I’ve sent prayers into the heavens on days when the clouds hover, petitioning for miracles, the kind that pop up in two tiny pink lines and no more blood. The kind that come in flutters and heartbeats and lab test results delivered with a smile instead of a somber tone. The kind that pushes out with life and arches backs wide and straddles miracle and wonder and life. But she’s left with why? It’s not …
When We Need to Lament: An Incourage Post
The sheet breaks loose from the gurney and the plastic mattress lurches up like a belch when I curl myself fetal. I struggle to position myself away from my body. To push my synapses away from muscle and bone and receptors and find solace in the quiet hush of a body without pain. But the agony lives in me. How does one escape what hurts from the inside out? Continue Reading... …
The Truth Is I am Tired: An (in)courage Post
Sometimes I write and people tell me I’m brave. Because I write hard things. Because I dive past the small talk and tell you where it hurts. Because I don’t want to pretend. Because I tell you it’s ok if you hurt too, I know the balm for the scars we carry, the antidote to utter despair, the flicker of light when your feet stumble and bruise in the dark night. Because I tell you He is big enough to be met with your doubts and your worries. I want to invite you to meet Him, know Him more, see …