I saw a blog post the other day on Facebook. It was written by a new friend with a kindred heart. The picture accompanying it is familiar. It’s shown up in my stream and in posts and news articles all week. My eyes want to move away from it. I carry these things clumsily, my heart breaks so easily and some days all I have on my lips are the Psalms to ask why God? Sometimes I can't bring words out from the pain I see, only whispered prayers, "Jesus, we need you." Faith is my assurance that He …
When Hollowed and Holy Quiet Speaks Loudest: On Hospitality
We’re sitting in the glow of neon, the golden arches casting pale yellow and red on the asphalt where we’re parked. I’m sipping iced tea even thought it’s cold and we’re clutched by winters deep spell, flurries scattering around outside haphazardly lacking the stamina to collect themselves on the ground. The windshield wiper swipes at them randomly streaking the window with frost. I’ve pulled my hat down low over my unwashed hair and my arms wrap across me as if my embrace could somehow hold …
Be Gentle with Yourself
I grieve every Christmas. I miss my father the most this time of year. He passed away right before Thanksgiving four years ago. The grief always seemed so out of place with Christmas fast approaching. But this year I know different. I believed it was somehow ungrateful to approach Christmas and the gift of a Savior and King with anything less than unbridled joy. It seemed cheap and flimsy to admit that in the merriment and festivities there was an ache and a void. It seemed wrong to say that …